
Tuesday 5 March 2019

Program to illustrate single pointer and double pointer

Program to illustrate pointer variable using single pointer
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
   int x=50,*y;
   printf("\n x value is %d",x);
   printf("\n x address  is %p",&x);
   printf("\n y value is %p",y);
   printf("\n y address is %p",&y);
   printf("\n y value is %d",*y);
   return 0;


Program to illustrate pointer variable using double pointer
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
   int x=10,*y;
   int **z;
   printf("\n x value is %d",x);
   printf("\n x address is %p",&x);  
   printf("\n y value is %p",y);
   printf("\n y address is %p",&y);  
   printf("\n z value is %p",z);
   printf("\n z address is %p",&z);  
   printf("\n y value is %d",*y);
   printf("\n z value is %d",**z);


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