
Tuesday 26 February 2019

Campus Drive Questions and Answers

Campus Drive Questions and Answers 

Q) What are main characteristics of C language?


C is a procedural language. The main features of C language include low-level access to memory, simple set of keywords, and clean style. These features make it suitable for system programming like operating system or compiler development.

Q) What is difference between i++ and ++i?


1) The expression ‘i++’ returns the old value and then increments i. The expression ++i increments the value and returns new value.

2) Precedence of postfix ++ is higher than that of prefix ++.

3) Associativity of postfix ++ is left to right and associativity of prefix ++ is right to left.
4) In C++, ++i can be used as l-value, but i++ cannot be. In C, they both cannot be used as l-value.

Q) What are entry control and exit control loops?


 C support only 2 loops:
1.     Entry Control: This loop is categorized in 2 part

a. while loop

b. for loop
2.     Exit control: In this category, there is one type of loop known as

a. do while loop

Q) Why pre-processor directive does not have a semi-colon at last?


Semi-colon is needed by the compiler and as the name suggests Preprocessors are programs that process our source code before compilation.Therefore the semi-colon is not required.

Q) What is the difference between including the header file with-in angular braces < > and double quotes ” “?


 If a header file is included within < > then the compiler searches for the particular header file only within the built-in include path. If a header file is included within ” “, then the compiler searches for the particular header file first in the current working directory, if not found then in the built-in include path.

Q) How will you print “Hello World” without semicolon?
Void main()
            if (printf("Hello World"))

Program 1:
#include <stdio.h> 
void fun() 
            // static variables get the default value as 0. 
            static int x; 
            printf("%d ", x); 
            x = x + 1; 

int main() 
            return 0; 

Output: 0 1

Program 2:
#include <stdio.h>
            int i;
            int *pi = &i;
            scanf("%d", pi);
            printf("%d\n", i+5);

Output: On execution, the value printed is 5 more than the integer value entered.

Program 3:
void main()
            int i=-3,j=2,k=0,m;
            m=++i && ++j || ++k;
            printf("%d %d %d %d",i,j,k,m);
-2  3 0 1

Program 4:
int f(int j)
static int i = 50;
int k;
if (i == j)
            k = f(i);
            return 0;
else return 0;

The function will exhaust the runtime stack or run into an infinite loop when j = 50

Program 5:
Assume the following C variable declaration
int *a[10],b[10[10];
Of the following expressions

i a[2]

ii a[2][3]
iii b[1]
iv b[2][3]
which will  give compile-time errors


Program 6:
Consider the following declaration of a ‘two-dimensional array in C:
Char a[100][100];
Assuming that the main memory is byte-addressable and that the array is stored starting from memory address 0, the address of a[40][50]
Address a[i][j] = base address + element size (maximum number of columns * i +  j )
          a[40][50] = 0 + 1 (100 *40 + 50 )
          a[40][50] = 4050

Program 7:
Consider the following declaration of a ‘two-dimensional array in C:
Char a[10][20][30]; i.e a[M][N][O]
Assuming that the main memory is byte-addressable and that the array is stored starting from memory address 0, the address of a[4][5][6] i.e a[i][j][k]
Address a[i][j][k] = base address + element size (i*N*O + j*O  + k )
          a[4][5][6] = 0 + 1 (4 * 20 * 30 + 5 * 30 + 6 )
          a[4][5][6] =   2400 + 150 + 6
          a[4][5][6] =   2556

Program 8:

What will be the output of the following C program segment?
char inchar = 'A';
switch (inchar)
case 'A' :
            printf ("choice A \n") ;
case 'B' :
            printf ("choice B ") ;
case 'C' :
case 'D' :
case 'E' :
            printf ("No Choice") ;

choice A
choice B No Choice

Program 9:
What will be the output of the following C program segment?
char p[20];
char *s = "string";
int length = strlen(s);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
            p[i] = s[length — i];

no output is printed
 Let us consider below line inside the for loop
p[i] = s[length — i];
For i = 0, p[i] will be s[6 — 0] and s[6] is ‘\0’
So p[0] becomes ‘\0’. It doesn’t matter what comes in p[1], p[2]….. as P[0] will not change for i >0. Nothing is printed if we print a string with first character ‘\0’

Program 10:
Consider the following C program
   int x, y, m, n;
   scanf ("%d %d", &x, &y);
   /* x > 0 and y > 0 */
   m = x; n = y;
   while (m != n)
         m = m - n;
         n = n - m;
   printf("%d", n);

GCD (greatest common divisor ) of x and y

Program 11:
void main()
float x=16.3;

output :

Program 12:
#define size 2+4
void main()


Program 13:
void main()
int i=1;
printf("\n %d\n %d\n %d\n %d",i++,i++,i++,i++);


Program 14:
void main()
int i=5;
printf("\n %d\n %d\n %d\n %d\n %d",i++,i--,++i,--i ,i);


Program 15:
void main()
int a[]={1,2,3,4,5,6};


Program 16:
int sum (int);
int sum (int n)
  return n;
  return (n + sum(n-1));
void main()
 printf("sum is %d ",sum(5));

Answer : 15

Program 17:
void sum (int ,int ,int );
void sum (int x,int y,int z)
void main()
 int a=2,b=3;
 printf("sum is %d ",a);

Answer: 2

Program 17:

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