
Wednesday 31 March 2021

Basic structure of a “C” program:-

Documentation Section

/* Program for addition of 2 numbers */

Link Section (or) 
Preprocessor Directives

Definition section

#define pf printf

Global Declaration Section


Main() Function Section




              Declaration part;

              Execution part;


Main() Function Section




       int a,b,c;


       printf(“Enter a and b values:”);



       printf(“sum is %d”,c);


Sub Program Section (or)

User-defined function Section

Function 1

Function 2


Function n


Write a “C” program to print a message.

Method 1:-
/*print a message 
  of your choice */
#define pf printf
pf(“welcome to “C”);
Method 2:-
//print a message
#define pf printf
Void main()
pf (“welcome to “C”);
Method 3:-
//print a message
#define pf printf
int main()
Pf(“welcome to “C”);
return 0;

/* Program to illustrate the different data types and there number of bytes occupied */
void main()
 int a=22;
 char b[]="raj kumar";
 char c='f';
 float d=143.5;
 double e=1234.54;
 printf("\n the string is : %s",b);
 printf("\n the character is :%c",c);
 printf("\n the number of bytes occupied by char is :%d",sizeof(c));
 printf("\n the integer is %d",a);
 printf("\n the number of bytes occupied by int is :%d",sizeof(a));
 printf("\n the float value is %f",d);
 printf("\n the number of bytes occupied by flaot is :%d",sizeof(d));
 printf("\n the double value is %lf",e);
 printf("\n the number of bytes occupied by double is :%d",sizeof(e));


//Program to illustrate the Local and Global variables 

int global;
void main()
 int local;
 printf("\n the local variable is : %d",local);
 printf("\n the global variable is : %d",global);


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