
Monday 18 February 2019

Program to illustrate Bubble sort

Program to illustrate Bubble sort

Example to illustrate Bubble sort in ascending order
consider an array a[5]
Data    :    16       15      2        13        6
Array  : a[0]      a[1]    a[2]     a[3]    a[4]

Pass 1:

a[0]=16  15   15   15  15
a[1]=15  16   2     2    2
a[2]=2    2    16   13   13
a[3]=13  13  13   16   6
a[4]=6    6    6     6    16

By the end of this pass 1 the highest number 16 will be in a[4]

Pass 2:
a[0]= 15  2    2     2
a[1]= 2    15  13   13
a[2]= 13  13  15   6
a[3]=  6   6    6    15
a[4]= 16  16  16   16
By the end of this pass 2 the second highest number 15 will be in a[3]

Pass 3:
a[0]= 2    2    2
a[1]= 13  13   6
a[2]= 6    6     13
a[3]= 15  15   15
a[4]= 16  16   16
By the end of this pass 3 the third highest number 13 will be in a[2]

Pass 4:
a[0]=  2   2
a[1]=  6   6
a[2]=  13 13
a[3]=  15  15
a[4]=  16  16
By the end of this pass 4 the fourth highest number 6 will be in a[1]

Ascending order sorting :

 // Program to illustrate Bubble sort in ascending order
void main()
 int i,j,a[20],temp,n;
 printf("\n Enter length of the array: \n");
 printf("\n Enter array elements:\n ");
 printf("\n Array elements before Bubble sort :\n");
   printf("\n Address : %p --> Array : a[%d] --> Data : %d",&a[i],i,a[i]);
 printf("\n Array elements after Bubble sort :\n");
   printf("\n Address : %p --> Array : a[%d] --> Data : %d",&a[i],i,a[i]);


Descending order sorting :

// Program to illustrate Bubble sort in descending order
void main()
 int i,j,a[20],temp,n;
 printf("\n Enter length of the array: \n");
 printf("\n Enter array elements:\n ");
 printf("\n\n Array elements before Bubble sort :");
   printf("\n Address : %p --> Array : a[%d] --> Data : %d",&a[i],i,a[i]);
 printf("\n\n Array elements after Bubble sort :");
   printf("\n Address : %p --> Array : a[%d] --> Data : %d",&a[i],i,a[i]);


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